Cancer cachexia, a major complication in patients with malignant tumors, is a wasting syndrome characterized by systemic metabolic disorders, progressive muscle and fat wasting, weight loss, and syste...
On May 17, the research entitled “Molecular mechanisms of mutualistic and antagonistic interactions in a plant–pollinator association” was published online in a form of article in Nature Ecology &a...
The latest progress achieved by Dr. Li Chao’s research team from the School of Life Sciences of ECNU was published in Science on April 9. The research, focusing on Arabidopsi...
On March 23, 2021, the group led by Prof. Ling Xu from the School of Life Sciences of ECNU published a research paper titled “Compartmentalization of melanin biosynthetic enzymes contributes to ...
The research group led by Professor Guoxiang Huang from the State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy (ECNU) has made a significant advance on the investigation of Rydberg nonlinear optics. ...
On February 5, “Fairy circles reveal the resilience of self-organized salt marshes” was jointly published by East China Normal University (ECNU) and Dutch scientists. The results were published in&n...
Cortical disinhibition is a common feature of several mental diseases, such as schizophrenia, autism and intellectual disabilities. However, the underlying biological mechanisms are not clear. On Janu...
Professor Bao Qinye, of ECNU School of Physics and Electronic Sciences, introduced the natural molecular capsaicin as additive to perovskite semiconductor. Combined with photoelectron spectroscopy and...
With the development of industrialization, more and more attention has been paid to the impact of noise pollution on human health. Previous studies have confirmed that noise has a great negative impac...